Tag: Training

Goals for the New Year

The start of a new year is a great time to reflect on the past and set goals for the future. While you are making resolutions for personal and professional development, consider incorporating Procurement Training into your plans.  We offer several in-person classes on a monthly basis as well as short-format training videos and eLearning courses…

Department Visits

One thing that I enjoy about working in Procurement Services is getting the opportunity to go out and meet the members of our campus community that are involved in procurement functions.  In the past month, we had the opportunity to provide two one-hour training sessions for the staff in the College of Arts and Sciences.  I would like…

Happy New Year

January is a time for renewal and fresh starts.  We make plans for the new year and set personal or professional goals to work toward.  Why not make a New Year’s resolution to expand or refresh your knowledge of Procurement topics?  We offer training in several formats to accommodate scheduling needs. You may choose to…

New Training Manager

Procurement Services is pleased to announce that Jennifer Clark has taken a new position within our office as training manager. Jennifer will be responsible for planning and leading training activities for Procurement Services. Opportunities for training can be found in this issue of the newsletter and on our Training Website.  Jennifer will be working with each…