Tag: Staff

New Director of Purchasing

We are pleased to announce that Jason Jeffreys has been named as the new Director of Purchasing. Jason is a UA graduate who comes to us with a very diverse professional background in procurement, project management, business development and entrepreneurship. Most recently, he has worked in UA Contract Administration for approximately a year and a…

FY2015 Reminders and Announcements

August brings the start of the new school year, but in the flurry of activity it is important not to forget that the end of the fiscal year will also be here very soon.  Several of the articles in the August Newsletter touch on things that you will need to know as we get ready to…


In the last month we had the opportunity to celebrate the retirement of one of our colleagues, Trip Farmer.  Over his 26 years of service to The University of Alabama System, Trip has served as the Director of Contract Administration on our campus, Treasurer and Controller of The UAB Educational Foundation, and Assistant to the…

Procurement Changes

Spring is often a time of renewal and change. Our campus blooms with the new flowers of the season and the sun begins to peek through the clouds. We also have some exciting changes happening in the Office of Procurement Services. Effective April 1, the staff in Contract Administration will became part of Procurement Services.…

New Training Manager

Procurement Services is pleased to announce that Jennifer Clark has taken a new position within our office as training manager. Jennifer will be responsible for planning and leading training activities for Procurement Services. Opportunities for training can be found in this issue of the newsletter and on our Training Website.  Jennifer will be working with each…