- Did you know that you can modify which system-generated Concur emails you receive?
See the Email Preferences Instructions for more information.
- Did you know that you can include more than one transaction on an expense report?
P-Card Non-Travel Expense reports can include more than one transaction on each expense report.
Travel, Entertainment, and Reimbursement Expense Reports can include P-Card transactions related to the trip along with any travel related reimbursements.
- Did you know that you can reduce the number of P-Card system-generated reminder emails that you receive from Concur?
System-generated email reminders are currently setup to be delivered on the 14th and the 28th of each month. These emails are intended to remind P-Card holders of the P-Card transactions that are available to be reconciled and are not currently assigned to an open expense report. Non-travel related expense reports can be submitted on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. Travel related expenses that are purchased in advance of a trip will trigger the system-generated email reminders until the transactions are added to an open expense report. To help manage the transactions related to future travel, start a new expense report and add your future dated Travel related P-Card transactions to the report to be reconciled but do not submit the expense report until after the trip has occurred.
- Do you have questions about how to input Travel Reports for In-State Travel under the exception noted in Section 2.10.5 of the Travel Policy?
As communicated in previous newsletters, if you have traveled to a convention, conference, seminar or other meeting of a state or national organization of which you or the state is a dues-paying member, you may be reimbursed for your meals and lodging subject to the out-of-state travel requirements. In order to input these trips into Concur, we have created a new report type for these situations called In-State Overnight (Dues Paying Member Exception). Please use this report type in the future for these types of trips.
- Did you know that you can email your questions to concur@fa.ua.edu?