Concur Delegates

The Concur system allows users to delegate authority to other individuals to approve Expense Reports and Invoice Payment Requests on the approver’s behalf. If you are a supervisor delegating approval authority to an individual with less authority, it is important to understand that there must be documentation in place to denote your review/approval. This is necessary not only for your protection, but also your employees and delegates. As such, please ensure that you are delegating this authority to individuals at an appropriate level, or work with your delegates to develop an external process outside of the Concur system to document appropriate approvals. For example, in one department on campus, the delegate approver is printing the Concur report and physically providing it to the assigned approver. The assigned approver initials the printed version signifying her review and the delegate approver uploads this signed version into Concur and marks the report approved in Concur. In this example, the documentation demonstrates that the assigned approver is reviewing and approving; and that the delegate, who does not have the authority within his/her role at UA to approve reports on his/her own, is simply completing the workflow step in the system. If you delegate to an individual with equal or greater authority the extra documentation will not be necessary.