With the holidays upon us, we know that many of you will be travelling before and after the UA break. If you are a Concur supervisor or budgetary approver, you can set up a temporary or permanent delegate to approve reports and requests on your behalf. Note that the delegate approver should have supervisory or fiscal authority over the user.
To add an approver delegate for Expense Reports, the listed approver should log in to his or her Concur Profile Settings, select Expense Delegates, then add the temporary or permanent delegate. You will have to set up an additional approver delegate for Invoice Payment Requests by selecting Invoice Delegates and adding the temporary or permanent delegate.
It is important to note that the selected approver delegate must also have approval rights in Concur. Step by step instructions on how to complete this task can be found in the Concur Expense User Guide (page 8). For other helpful Concur information, please visit the UA Concur webpage.