Month: February 2020

60-Day Rule for Expense Reports

To avoid tax consequences on expense reimbursements, University employees should remember the 60-Day Rule:  Expense reports for out-of-pocket expenses must be submitted within 60 days from the date the expense was incurred (in the case of travel, within 60 days from end of trip). Per federal tax regulations, expenses submitted after 60 days will be…

Concur Missing Receipt Affidavit

The Concur system allows for a Missing Receipt Affidavit to be completed within the system replacing the formerly used paper form.  Employees should always first contact the vendor to obtain a duplicate copy of the lost or misplaced documentation.  However, if a duplicate copy cannot be obtained, a Missing Receipt Affidavit should be completed within…

Concur Reports

We are seeing a large number of Concur Expense Reports submitted with only one transaction included on the report. While this might be appropriate for an individual with only one transaction within the month, there are many individuals who simply include only one transaction per report as a preferred practice. Additionally, some approvers have advised…
