The purpose of this policy is to ensure Procurement Services Office employees which include Accounts Payable, Contract Administration, Purchasing Card Services and Purchasing maintain freedom from influence and exercise independent judgment when making procurement related decisions.
- An employee of the Procurement Services Office cannot solicit or accept offers, gifts or entertainment, or other favors from a vendor who conducts business with the University, if the gift is offered to the employee while he/she is being paid by the University and performing the official duties of his office. It is permissible to accept unsolicited “giveaways” of promotional items such as pens, calendars, and similar items that are offered to all participants by vendors at trade shows or training meetings provided no particular course of repayment is required as a condition of the receipt of the item. Accepting a meal paid for by a vendor should only occur when University related work is being conducted and the meal adds to the efficiency of the meeting. Employees involved in procurement related decision-making or contract administration are encouraged to adopt a very strict set of personal standards in their relationships with vendors.
- Accepting consumable items from vendors, such as gifts of food during the holiday season, is prohibited. When circumstances prevent the refusal or return of such gifts, the item should be placed in a common area and made available to all employees.
- Gifts or tokens of appreciation can be accepted from University departments if the aggregate value of such gifts from any single donor has an economic value of less than $25 during any one calendar year. Promotional items commonly distributed to the general public such as pens, calendars, mouse pads and similar items may be accepted in small numbers of amounts.
This policy applies to all employees of Procurement Services.
Official Policy
The signed version of the Gratuities Policy is available in PDF format by clicking here: Gratuities Policy. Every effort has been made to keep this page in sync with the official policy. However, if any inconsistencies are located, the official policy will be followed.